C.O.R.E. Project
Plan to get involved in our community
What is C.O.R.E.?
The Sonshine Baptist Church Community Outreach Endeavor consists of developing our property into sports fields and a walking track so that families in our community can be reached through Christian sports leagues such as Upward sports. This project will also address our drainage issues.
What is the cost?
The total cost of this project is approximately $199,000.00. We have broken this project into the following phases:
Phase | Info | Cost |
Phase 1 | Preliminary plans | $2,000.00 |
Phase 2 | Tractor Barn & survey | $5,000.00 |
Phase 3 | Design & permitting | $12,000.00 |
Phase 4 | Final site plan approval | $10,000.00 |
Phase 5 | Site Work* | $150,000.00 |
Phase 6 | Pavilions** | $20,000.00 |
Total: $199,000.00 |
*We can do much of the site work ourselves as our knowledge and equipment allows. **We will not be required to have a contractor until we build the pavilions.
About Upward Sports
Established in 1995, Upward Sports is the world’s largest Christian youth sports provider. Upward Sports is the only organization that offers the 360 Progression™, a uniquely designed total sports experience that adapts and expands as players grow in their personal athletic journeys. The 360 Progression develops total athletes mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially – producing players who excel both on and off the field. Today, approximately half a million players at more than 2,000 churches in 47 states participate in camps, clinics, and leagues through Upward Sports’ Recreation Division. In 2012, Upward Sports created its Performance Division – Upward Stars – aimed at young athletes wanting to further develop their skills and participate in a higher level of competition. Within the first year, approximately 900 athletes competed on Upward Stars teams.
Our Mission
Promoting the Discovery of Jesus Through Sports.
Our Values
The Expectation of God Moments
We believe that God is at work all around us. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10
The Life of Integrity
We believe that how we live is more important than what we say. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. – Galatians 2:20
The Opportunity to Serve
We believe that it is a privilege to serve others. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. – Mark 10:45
The Discipline of Excellence
We believe in exceeding expectations. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed; do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. – Colossians 3:17
The Priority of Children
We believe that every child is a winner. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. – Matthew 18:14 Upward Sports Recreation Programs offer a variety of opportunities for young athletes to discover and refine their athletic skills while cultivating a passion for the sport. Through age-appropriate team play, athletes begin to build positive character traits that will allow them to encourage, strengthen, and motivate themselves and their fellow teammates. As they learn and follow game rules, young athletes will also learn the value of sportsmanship with a healthy competitive spirit. Upward Sports athletes experience the 360 Progression, which is a uniquely designed sports experience that develops the total athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. It is modeled in Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” The 360 Progression helps young athletes discover and develop the skills they need to perform both on and off the field or court. It also creates individuals of strong character, confidence, and faith.
Upward Soccer
Upward Soccer is designed for young athletes to discover their passion for the sport as well as improve their game through healthy competition. Through leagues, camps, and clinics, Upward Soccer strives to develop youth mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially.
Upward Cheerleading
Upward Cheerleading introduces athletes to the basics of the sport. Cheerleaders will learn numerous cheers, chants, and pom routines while discovering how to engage and excite the crowd.
Upward Flag Football
Upward Flag Football programs aim to develop the TOTAL athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. Each kids flag football league and clinic is designed to build football skills, character, confidence, and spirit.
We are committed for this project to be a pay as you go project and to complete this without any indebtedness.
The project will begin with this year’s Christmas offering.
We believe there are many opportunities for grants to help with this project.
It is possible that organizations such as the YMCA and others may partner with us for this project.
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